Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Found Freedom

Shortly after turning 23 & being out of college for nearly a year, I realized THIS IS MY LIFE.

I have the luxury of still being single (and by single I suppose I mean not married), not having any children, & not having the commitment of owning a home. I feel like these things (are GREAT & I'm looking forward to them all!) but also tie you down in a way. I only have once chance to be 23, and until all of those things find their way into my life ... there are things I want to do NOW while I can.
Like for example, learn to ride & own a Harley ... :) I decided THIS is the year to challenge myself to do things I've never done before. I recently got my motorcycle endorsement & bought an 02' Harley Sportster 883! The thrill of riding a bike is like nothing I've ever experienced before! It's such a feeling of FREEDOM & being reckless, not to mention there aren't a whole lot of girls my age who can say they ride. ;)
Along with this, I also quit one of my jobs. I realized it's time to grow up & work towards a career I am proud of. I have a few ideas & things I would like to do. The hard part of getting the college degree is over! Now to create a life I love.
'Be a best friend, tell the truth, & overuse I love you. Go to work, do your best, & don't outsmart your common sense. Never let your praying knees get lazy, & love like crazy!' - Good song.