Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Closet

It's not a secret that I am in love, borderline obsessed, with shoes.

When I graduated college, I moved back to my home-town & in with my older sister. We were able to easily negotiate that she got the garage & I got the master bedroom. It didn't really bother me that I may wake-up one morning to find my car covered in snow ... because along with the master bedroom, came the master CLOSET.

I collected many shoes throughout the years while living in dorm rooms & a sorority house, so to finally have the chance to give each shoe a proper home was nearly a dream come true. (And can I just say, that whoever thought that the master bedroom/closet in this house was meant for TWO people is beyond me!)

Well, as life would have it ... all good things must come to an end. My sister recently purchased her first house & we will be moving! GOOD-BYE to my walk-in ... HELLO to a small (okay, who are we kidding ... the thing is TINY) closet. Thus, the picture in this post is not my current closet, but more what I am anticipating my future closet to look like. You get the pictuere. SMALL.


I am excited however, to be able to paint & decorate my very own room. I'm thinking ... modern-day/colorful/shabby. Dark plum/purples, deep rich pinks, bright oranges, pale yellows, & lime greens.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to School?

Typically toward the end of the summer for as many years as I have known comes the 'back to school' time! You all know what I'm talking about - BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING!!! Ha, for pencils & paper, right? ;)

This season came & went last year, sadly ... without me. It felt a bit strange to be settled into my job & for the first time not joining the herds of students returning to school. I missed the anticipation that comes with new classes, new friends, new pencils, and yes, new fall boots!

I tend to be extremely indecisive. And extremely is probably an understatement. BUT, when I do make decisions, they are usually quick & somewhat spontaneous. Especially if they are big ones ... like a career path change. SO, all that to say, about two weeks ago I decided to go back to school for a second degree. In accounting. Yes, accounting. Not what I EVER thought I would be doing. As an interior design student .. my courses were full of color & texture & creativity! So, accounting?! Hmm. Quite the opposite!

I'm rather excited to start this new journey as an 'adult degree-seeking student' (as they refer to you ... apparently when you are an adult)! I actually received my first textbook in the mail. I was so excited about it, I actually started in on the first chapter. Class starts Monday! & the anticipation is back.