Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When one door closes ...

... you are left with the world at your doorstep.

After a full year working with Nike, my contract is coming to an end. It's a little bittersweet but I know that timing is everything. It has been such a great opportunity to have had the chance to work here & the experience I have gained is invaluable. I was lucky enough to interact with a few athletes including LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Roger Federer, & Rafael Nadal (pretty awesome!) and worked with a bunch of great & truly inspiring people.

Career wise, it's weird to be (almost) 25 & (almost - I have one month left) unemployed. Although I knew it was coming, it's still a strange feeling. This is the first time I have not been working as long as I can remember. I have always had some sort of job lined up since I was old enough to babysit! Sooo what's next!? :)

The exciting part about it is that I have NO obligations. I have no lease, no job, no ties to anything here in Portland. I am free to go wherever I want and do whatever I want. I have about 9 months of school to finish until I will have my Accounting Degree (which is online & I can do anywhere!). I've been throwing ideas around about moving somewhere new. Maybe back home for a little bit in order to just focus on school & spend the time to really dive into and learn it. We will see!

The things I DO want to accomplish in the next year:
1. Run my half marathon!
2. Re-do (at LEAST) one piece of furniture (I have a dining room table that's calling my name ... & this requires NOT living in an apartment)
3. Finish my accounting degree.
4. Travel to either Montana or Colorado.
That should be a good start!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Table for Four-ty Bucks!

I'm pretty impressed with my most recent purchase. I'm an avid Craigslist-er & always get excited about a good deal. Last week I found this dinning table & four chairs for $45! - I was surprised the lady I bought it from let me talk her down on the price to just $40! There are a few scratches & dings here and there, but for the most part it's a very sturdy solid table.

I will take better before pictures once I actually get to work! But this is a screenshot of the actual table:
Since it's a little hard to see, here is another picture of what it actually looks like:
(just with a little darker wood top)

My plan is to sand down the top of the table & re-stain it with a dark finish. Then paint the legs & the chairs an off-white/cream color. I might get half way done & realize it would have been easier to leave well enough alone! But I'm excited to get started on a project.

I envision the final product will look similar to this:
Wish me luck!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Starting Over

In the last year and a half of my life I have successfully lived in six different places. I really didn't think that was possible but I guess I'm just making up for living in one house throughout my entire life (until moving to college of course). I don't really do well with change. I like things to be settled & somewhat predictable. Don't get me wrong, I'm always up for a good adventure but I like MOST things in life to be established (job, house, etc.).

I've learned a few things throughout all of these moves ...
1. I have too many shoes (it almost hurts to say that & even as I type it I want to go shopping for more ... ).
2. The only two things I own that go in the kitchen are a wine opener & an espresso machine (my goal is to work on that one).
3. I'm too independent to want help ... but sometimes need it.
4. Things never happen like you have planned ... but it keeps things interesting.
5. Save for a rainy day. It rains in Portland ... a lot. (Also, carry an umbrella. Even if it's sunny in the morning ... the days not over ...)
6. There are a lot of people that come & go in your life ... & this is completely okay. It's mainly to teach you lessons ... usually about yourself.
7. Then there are those special few that are there unconditionally, no matter what, through the good, the bad, the really stinkin' ugly. When push comes to shove, you can easily seperate the two kinds of friends.
8. You can spend a lot of time missing the 'way things used to be' but then you miss the beautiful life right in front of you.
9. Listen to your heart. There are a lot of other voices, pressures, opinions ... but at the end of the day you have to live with the choices you make.
10. Call mom.
11. Work hard & be nice to people.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Paisley Denim Pillows

Another little 'unfinished project' I'm working on for the new place: paisley denim pillows. (Sadly, my camera lens shattered & I haven't replaced it yet so all of these pictures are a bit fuzzy ... the best my Blackberry can do! Darn it! So, bear with me ...)

I LOVE pillows. They are a simple & easy way to decorate & they really help establish the style of a space. Because they are relatively inexpensive, they can be changed out as often as the seasons if you'd like. Not to mention, they are also comfortable & my bed can be stacked with at least six at any given time.

I bought several down pillows of various sizes from Ikea that came without covers. I fired up the ole sewing machine (which, let's also be honest, I haven't used since I was in a 'sewing circle' in probably middle school, if not elementary!) & got to work! I found a paisley printed denim at JoAnn's that just-so-happens to be super soft. Instead of sewing all of the sides shut, I made them with an opening (similar to a sham) so they can come off if need be & attached three wooden buttons to the front. I didn't realize how much work it is to sew button holes! Thus, this project is also still in process ...

When I get my camera fixed I will add a few more pictures & when they find a home on my new bed, I will show the true 'before' & 'after' photos.


When I first came across Northwest Hospitality's blog, I fell in LOVE with this lamp. I adore the feminine look that it adds to her country cottage space. So, clearly I had to try my attempt at my own.

I found a lampshade & lampstand at the Goodwill awhile back that were just sitting around waiting to be used for a good project. The lampshade had a little dent in one side that needed to be covered up. Together, they were probably about $6. I didn't know quite until I saw this project what I actually wanted to do with it! This is the 'coffee filter lampshade' because it is made up of hundreds of folded & fluffed coffee filters simply hot glued to the shade.

Here is how mine turned out. Well, I shouldn't lie ... it's not done. I cheated a little & took a picture of the side that is finished! The poor back is still bare! I ran out of filters & got tired of buring myself with the hot glue. This is one of those projects I'll be working on shortly to actually finish ... but you get the idea. I also would like to either find a larger stand, or switch it out with a another one that I already have. The shade & lamp stand went well together until I added on the extra size with the 'fluff.' Now it just looks a little disproportional to me. But, I love the look of it & I'm excited to find just right spot for it in the new place!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Western Sign

The first project I recently did wasn't actually for me. I made it for a friend of mine, Elizabeth. Her & her fiance, Danny, are getting married in July! She has been a lifelong friend of mine & I couldn't be happier for the two of them. She ended up having two bridal showers, so for one of her gifts I made a sign with their future married last name. Olson. I wanted the sign to be western, since she is! & to go with the rest of her home decor.

I found a piece of wood just the right size at the Goodwill (this worked out handy since I have no way of cutting a larger piece at the moment), painted it a dark brown & roughed it up a little with some sand paper. I used a water-based cream color for the letters. This was the tricky part! I free-handed the letters (which didn't quite turn out as perfect as I had in mind). Then I used a thin rope & stapled it to the back with a staple gun so it could be hung. Voila! It turned out to be a relatively easy project.

Elizabeth sent me this picture (below) of it hanging up shorty after I had given it to her. I told her she could hang it out in her barn since it didn't turn out quite like I wanted, so right next to the front door is an upgrade! ;)

Best wishes on a long & happy marriage - congrats Elizabeth & Danny!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Here's a little update on those goals I recently posted!

RUNNING - well, I got my buns movin' & have decided to add an additional quarter of a mile to my workout each week. That way I can actually force myself to keep on track instead of the ole I'm-going-to-the-gym-every-freakin'-day routine ... because that never works for me. I always start the day out with the best of intentions ... and by 5pm let's be honest, I'm ready to do anything but go to the gym. By adding that amount, 2 months from now I will be at my 5 mile goal! A couple days ago when I hit 3 miles, it was a milestone. I'm not shy about the fact that I do. not. run. SO, 3 miles was a record (don't judge). And it felt GOOD. I also got my Nike+ all figured out! So I'm keeping track of my runs on that bad boy. They are super-duper handy. If you like to run, and don't already have one ... support the swoosh. They are worth your monayyy. I'm excited how attainable this once far-fetched goal now is. I have no doubt I'll cruise on by 5 miles in no time ...

MONEY - Paying off my student loans is really my biggest goal, and making progress on this is top priority to me. It is a chal-lenge let me tell you. I constantly get the 'shopping-bug' and I love to wine & dine ... but I keep remembering how great it feels to put chunks of money towards my loans & see those balances drop. I've added an extra $900/month towards my payments. It also feels great to NOT pay interest ... when you pay over the minimum amount due, that amount goes straight to the principal. Worth it? Most definitely. Saving money lately has become more of a fun challenge. I have become a coupon clipper! Every Sunday I cut coupons out of the paper & make grocery store purchases based on whats either on sale, or what I have a coupon for. Now that I have started using them (& saving money!) it seems so silly to go shopping without them!

SHOOTING- Well, first things first, I renewed my hunting license & put in for my deer tags! I picked Wagontire since that is where the men of the family usually go. Over this past weekend I also went out shooting with the boys. I shot a 243, which I loved. So, well on our way with this goal too.

BLOGGING - okay, okay so I think about blogging like, every day. But ... this is the first one I've posted since that goal. I'll keep working on that one :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I'm a big fan of setting goals. Goals give you direction, motivation, & a sense of accomplishment once they have been attained. They give you something to look forward to (which I think we all need) & the cool thing is, they can be anything! I think we are very good at setting our 'new year's resolutions' that last maaaaybe three days (max!) but setting goals for me has been something that focuses me on things I want to do. They are passions & aspirations. For example, last summer my goal was to learn to ride & own a Harley. Done! I LOVE my bike & I'll admit it, I sort of feel like a bad ass when people ask me about it ;) But that was last year, so here we are ... 2011 ... time for some new goals!

RUNNING- Compared to a lot of runners, it may be pathetic for my goal to be able to run 5 miles. But let's be honest, I'm not a runner ... nor have I ever ran that far ... mmm in my life. I'm giving myself a shorter timeline for this. 8 weeks. Doable? That's only increasing my current distance by 3 miles. Which is clearly more than double what I'm doing now. Hence the goal. This may end up being easier (or harder) than I expect! I am going to get the Nike+ for my ipod & keep track!

SHOOTING- I want to own my very own gun & shoot a deer. Bad. It doesn't have to be a huge elk or anything ... just a deer. I'll leave it at that for now.

MONEY- Pay off my student loans by next August. This is a big goal because it requires me to be extremely diligent with my money in the next 16 months ... $18,000 worth of diligence. My mom always said that people that don't have money are the ones that talk about it the most. I tend to be private with my money but after reading the Dave Ramsey book, I'm more excited about sharing the process. P.S. Check out Dave Ramsey on Facebook ... did you know the average person graduates college with $24K in student loan debt & takes on average 20 years to pay it off ... aka still paying it while their children are in college. Yikes.

BLOGGING- This is kind of silly. But I really do LOVE blogs. I love reading them, following them, spending (way to much) time oooo-ing & ahhh-ing over what people have done! The blogging that I want to do is just a way of documenting some of the things I have done! I don't have a particular goal for this. But just to do it :) I guess I'm well on my way. Cheers.

Design Dilemma

One of my personal weaknesses is my inability to make decisions. I've blogged about this before, but it's true. Anything that really doesn't matter, I can't for the life of me decide upon. So it's kind of a big deal that I have decided the style for our new house! We got a cute little three bedroom, two bath, ranch style house here in town. We are just renting, which makes it a little less fun ... but nonetheless, I'll take you on a tour!


Here is the living room: The entry is to the right (not pictured) & the fireplace will require a little more effort than just the flip-of-a-switch ... but hey, this girl can build a 'real' fire! & it will save us money on heating.

The kitchen: It has a TON of cupboard space & a pantry on the other side. All updated appliances ... I'm sort of stoked about the dishwasher that has drawers...

The kitchen again: Side-by-side fridge! & the freezer on the bottom. I really should have turned the lights on when I took these pictures. My bad.

Dining room: Okay, the mirror is kind of huge & ugly ... but it could be worse!

The master: Pretty boring, but has potential!

And HERE ... is the problem: The (tiny) master bathroom ... with no storage. None. There is a reason you do not put a pedestal sink in a master bath. That reason being there is not a place in the world to hide ... well, anything. While I do love the look of them & they are suitable for say, a guest bathroom, they are completely impractical for actual 'living' spaces. This is my biggest bathroom challenge yet ... & here it is:

I didn't include pictures of the guest bathroom, the other two rooms, or the patio/outside area. I'm sure more of that will come later. These are just some general 'before' pictures. As for the design style ... we're going for a nice combination of a lot of country, a little french, & a little classic. I promise it will make more sense as it all comes together. And true to form, I'm doing it on a dime. My Dave Ramsey money-saving-madness is in full effect ...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Total Money Makeover

In the last week or so I've been reading a book called "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. I'm not a huge book-reader so it takes something extra special to grab (and hold) my attention. For those of you who haven't heard of Dave Ramsey or his philosophies about money ... you should get your hands on this book! The reason I started reading it in the first place is because I know several people who have followed his plan & have amazing things to show for it ... including student loans paid off, cars & houses purchased, & large savings accounts built up - sounds great, right!?
It's not a get-rich-quick thing ... instead he challenges the standard American way of life in that you don't have to buy anything (& SHOULDN'T) on credit (including your car, house, etc.) & you can live debt-free. I would say that I'm good with money. I don't spend money I don't have, I try to buy things on sale, & I even own some stocks! But I didn't really have a plan. Thanks to reading this book, I have a refreshed prospective on the reality of debt & spending. This marks the beginning of my 'financial journey' to better understand & control my money. I realize this is somewhat ironic as I'm majoring in accounting! but nonetheless, there is SO much to learn ...
I'm fortunate enough that my parents taught me in a roundabout way never to buy a car unless you could pay for it in cash, so that is one debt I'm thankful I don't have. However, I am one of those Americans that uses a credit card. I justify that it is good to use because every month it is paid off completely & it is 'helping my credit'. I am also one of those Americans that has student-loans. My current financial goal is to get those student loans PAID OFF and quick. I've kept a 'budget' for two years now ... but let's be honest, my 'budget' was really more of a record of my spending (athough it is a pretty fancy schmancy spreadsheet, color-coordinated and all)! At the end of the month I would add up how much I spent on various things & let me tell you, money goes fast! Of course I would see things I was spending too much on, like coffee and make little adjustments here & there. My adjustment for my coffee addiction was buying a Barista off Craigslist! Wah-lah, Starbucks at home! But my new perspective is to attack my finances fiercely now & not just casually like before. My new goal is go create a budget before the month comes & STICK TO IT! If I am willing to cut down on my spending in a dramatic way, I will be setting myself up for a successful financial future.
I looked at some of the other things I can cut out - nails, tanning, & gym to name a few. I realize how much I spend on things like that & how much BETTER it would feel not to have ANY debt. It's not to say that I couldn't 'afford' those things, but when you add up what they cost - tanning $804/year, gym $480/yr, nails $600 - that's nearly $2000 that I could apply to my loans instead. I'm also going to limit what I spend on eating out, entertainment, & shopping. The concept of the book is live like no one else NOW, so you can live like no one else later. Who wants to keep up with the Joneses anyway ... the Joneses are in debt! I'm looking forward to posting more blogs about ways I've saved money, creative ways I've earned money, & progress I'm making towards getting my student loans PAID OFF. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

For the Love of Boots

Some of my most favorite things in the whole wide world are ... shoes! But admittedly, I've never been a huge connoisseur of boots. The only boots I've owned through the years have been my cowboy boots & the occasionally used snowboarding boots. I bought a pair of velvet knee-high boots for a Halloween costume a couple years back and ever since then I've been hooked!

Which leads me to the whole point of this blog being (though rather trivial, I'm aware) that since I've moved here to Portland I have lived in & learned to absolutely love boots. I realized quickly that rain & heels just don't mix. Nor does having wet jeans & heels. I do however refuse to ever buy a pair of rain boots ...

The first 'Portland' pair of boots I bought are the brown ones. I call these my Portland pair because I also had to buy some dang jeggings in order to wear them (though I SWORE I would NEVER own a pair ... I guess I also swore I'd never live in Portland ... ). The ones (in gray) are super duper comfortable & have a little heel on the back which makes them fun to wear. Who doesn't like heels!? & last but not least, the black ones ... they are the newest edition. I like them because they have that motorcycle strap & black is my favorite.

While I do love & adore my new boots, I will always have a place in my heart (and closet) for my cowboy boots. I'm happy that while there are many things I miss about leaving Tumalo, one of the new things about Portland is the country bar nightlife. There is nothing better than a good swing dance! & who can dance without their boots anyway ;)

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Jay-Oh-Bee

I've been in Portland almost 10 weeks now & I decided it might be kinda fun to keep track of my experience here via my blog.
SO, I'll start with the whole reason I'm here in the first place: my job.

I work at Nike's World Headquarters
(Which happens to be a pretty sweet place)

This is just outside my building looking across the pond - (the disclaimer here is that it happened to be gorgeous & sunny the day this picture was taken. Those days are few & far between.)

The two pictures above I actually took the morning of Portland's 'snow/shut-down -the-city-day. They were taken from the second floor just outside the elevator looking out over the lobby. As you can see, there wasn't any snow.
(I'm not even joking, schools were closed down for the day ...)

Above is my desk/cubicle. Pretty unexciting ... but nonetheless it's where I spend my days!

This is the back of the 'Mike Schmidt' building. In case you weren't sure, it's the one I work in.

& wah-la! that is the tour! :)

Lessons to Live By

Life isn't fair. But it's still good.
When in doubt, just take the next small step.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Your job won't take care of you when your sick. Your friends & family will. Stay in touch.
Pay off your credit cards every month.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
Don't compare your life to others. you have no idea what their journey is about.
Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save for the special occasion. Today is special.
Over prepare, then go with the flow.
No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
What other people think about you is none of your business.
However good or bad the situation, this too shall pass.
Don't take yourself seriously. No one else does.
Believe in miracles.
God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
Your children only get one childhood.
Get outside everyday. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
If we threw our problems in a pile and looked at everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
The best is yet to come ...
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up & show up.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Desk

Last summer I was in need of a desk. Something cute & simple. I am a big fan of buying old furniture that needs just a little bit of attention & spiffing it up. I found this old sofa table - very sturdy & only 20 bucks. This table in particular required nothing more than a couple cans of spray paint! (Sadly, I don't have before pictures!)

I accessorized my desk with my a file holder from Ikea, a little organizer for all my 'desky' stuff like paperclips, etc. (the white thing on the right - found this at Goodwill for 99 cents! what a steal!), & my favorite piggy bank.

I put favorite picture of Brad Pitt on a motorcycle in a cute black frame. I saw this while in Vegas at Planet Hollywood - I would die to have the huge one they have, but this small one will do for now. I also framed a picture of a gorgeous field in Central Oregon - something I miss! Lastly, I stuck my fav quote - 'you have the ability to create the life you want' - in a frame. I used a picture easel to add height to one of the pictures - it adds a little variety & interest.

I think it's essential to be surrounded by things you love. I wake up every morning (with my soft-as-can-be throw pictured here!) & enjoy looking at my desk! -- I have still yet to find the perfect chair & as much as I hate clutter I do need to devise some sort of storage system. But for now, this makes me happy.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


As I sit here in my Portland (yes, Portland) townhouse on this rainy evening snuggled up in a cozy blanket, I just have to laugh when I look back at my life over the past few months.

All in a quick two weeks I quit my three jobs, packed my bags & moved to the big city. I accepted a job at Nike's World Headquarters working in their Inventory Accounting department. Usually when I make huge decisions I don't give them much thought. It takes everything in me to decide what shoes to wear for the day, but when it comes to life changing things, I just jump.

So here's to taking chances. 2011, I open you with wide arms & I'm ready for ALL you have in store.