Monday, September 16, 2013

A Fall Pumpkin Treat

With colder days, changing leaves, and burning fireplaces on the horizon I figured I would jump on the pumpkin bandwagon and mix up a sweet treat. Of course, I'm enjoying it on this gorgeous sunny "end of summer" afternoon out on the deck with an iced coffee. 

Pumpkin cream cheese whoopie pies are possibly one of my favorite fall desserts. I would share my "secret recipe" with you but quite frankly it's only a secret because I goggled "pumpkin whoopie pie", picked the easiest one, and didn't quite measure all my ingredients as accurately as a good baker might do. It's also possible I threw in a couple extra dashes of good things like cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. 

Happy Monday! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mason Jar Taco Salads

I never like eating salads for a "meal" because I'm more of a meat-and-potatoes-give-me-"real"-food kind of a girl. Amidst being so busy lately and always on the go during lunchtime I figured I would try out the mason jar salad craze. 

I made four of them on a Monday night and surprisingly they were still delicious by Friday. 

I cooked up some turkey burger (not typically on my grocery list!) with taco seasoning. Not bad. Then I put it in the fridge so it would cool completely. 

I layered spicy ranch dressing (who knew there was such a thing?!), black beans, corn, turkey burger, tomatoes, onions, and then lettuce. I've read some blogs that tell you not to put meat in them. I didn't have a problem with it. I think adding it to mine is what helped it be so filling. 

Wah-lah! Taco salad! Shake & enjoy! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Buh-Bye Student Loans!

As I was thinking about writing this post I realized that I don't even know who (if anyone!) actually reads this blog. I have these wild dreams of having a thousand plus followers but realistically if my mom used a computer she might actually be the only one keeping up with me. It's been a crazy mix of personal stories, design projects, party planning, & everything in between! So for today's post if you are here for the design projects & fun stuff hold tight with me while I share some personal exciting news! Since I'm not married, pregnant, buying a house, or have any other huge life changing event happening ... I have to be excited about other things. Sooo ...

You might remember when I started reading Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" book a little over two years back (& wrote this post: Total Money Makeover). Throughout the last couple of years I'll admit that I haven't been the most diligent in sticking to a budget & when I went back to school for my second degree my loans were in deferment (aka I didn't have to pay them). Looking back I wish I would have made more payments during that time because the amount would have gone directly towards lowering the principal and wouldn't have collected any interest. However when the time did come that I graduated (again) & was required to start my loan repayment (again) I always paid 3-4x the amount due on this particular loan.

How did I do it? I increased my income. I started by asking for a raise at my current job. Then, I started working a second job. I pretended as though I wasn't making any more money & instead put it all directly towards the loan. While the second job is only temporary, it gave me more momentum & I was able to make a bigger dent than before.

Whenever I read articles on "how to save money" I usually get bored because they are things I already do - no cable, avoid late fees, eat at home, bla bla. I stopped getting my nails done, going tanning, & cancelled my gym membership. Instead of never going out I pick places to go based on my favorite time - happy hour! I can never say no to spending time with friends so I often suggest to go on a walk instead or invite them over for a bottle of Two Buck Chuck. I patch my old jeans instead of buying new ones. I make sure I only make one trip into town for work & coordinate all my errands to get them done before or after. I stopped buying fancy coffee (everyday) & make it at home instead. I didn't renew my season football tickets (SO SAD about that one) because now living three hours away makes each game that much more expensive to go to! Every little thing adds up.

It would seem that one less monthly payment would mean more money in the bank! BUT, I'm going to follow Ramsey's "snowball" principle of now putting all the money I put towards this loan towards the next one! I didn't really understand the concept of paying off your smallest debt first, but it really does encourage you to keep at it when you reach your goals. It also allows you to pay off the larger debt in less time in the end.

My goal was to have it paid off by December ... and I'm three months early! So this "back-to-school" season, I'm celebrating NOT going back to school & NOT having to pay towards that student loan ever again.& damn! it feels good.

One down, one to go! Time to crunch some numbers & set my next goal.